Saturday, March 19, 2011


Day 13
Quote: Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.

Although this is a 90 day challenge, I’m not going to get down on myself for having to skip a few days because of my knees. Now, I don’t encourage you to do the same if you have no reason to, but I have a logical reason to do so. If you have no injuries, you are capable of working HARD EVERYDAY to lose your weight. Don’t take my lack of daily commitment as an excuse for YOU to not achieve your goals. You can do it! If I didn’t have my knee injury, i sure as hell would be busting my ass everyday, probably multiples times a day. But I don’t have that option right now. Although, I believe my knees are getting better. I still need to baby them, but when the pain began, it was only in my left knee and now it’s both knees. The thing is, my left knee isn’t the big issue, my right knee is. So once my right knee pain starts waning I think I will have healed then. *fingers crossed* I may still do some stuff today, such as push-ups and the plank position, because that is KILLER! I can’t hold myself up for like longer than 15 seconds. I can’t wait to get stronger, to be a success. I know once I can devote every single day, my strength will increase tenfold. But, anyway. Gonna go wake baby from nap. Also, the lack of excessive calories really seemed to help! I lost a pound! Finally things are turning around for me :)

Weight: 188.2


Cheerios 1 % Milk
1 hard boiled egg, 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt, 1 cheese stick
2 bowls Goulash

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