Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Day 23
Quote: Good ideas rarely interrupt you.

I’m having so much fun with level 3. I love the jump squats. I can do 3 man pushups, which won’t amaze some people, but in my entire left I’ve never been able to do even one! So it’s a major accomplishment for me. But I’m busy so just a quick update.

Weight: 184.4

Special K with skim milk
Veggie burger on wheat
kashi bar
Sauce and wheat pasta

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Day 18
Quote: You can grow as high as you can reach.

Today’s workout was amazingly intense. But I loved it. I was sweating, I worked hard, pushed through and tried my hardest not to stop. I think I stopped half as many times as I did yesterday, and yesterday I stopped quite a bit. I’m getting better with the walking push-ups, and I just look back to level 1 when I could barely get through the first set of jumping jacks and jumping rope. Especially the jumping rope. It killed me! Now I can go the whole way without stopping. I’m loving it. I can’t wait until I can do like 5 man pushups. I not only aim to lose weight, but I want to be IN SHAPE. I want to be STRONG. I don’t want to be a typical girl, with no strength. I want people to be able to look at me and see a strong woman. I know how strong I am on the inside, and what I have been through in life, and I want my inner personality to exude on the outside. I want to be fierce. I can’t wait until 90 days have passed and I look back on the day that I started, and just smile because of how far I have come. I’ve made it this far, and I know I will make it to 90 days, and beyond. This is not only losing weight, but changing my lifestyle, my eating habits, and so much more. There are few things in my life that I have stuck to and committed, especially not for a long time, and that is such an inspiration for me to stick with this.

Weight: 185.8

Bananas & Cream oatmeal w/ ½ c 1% milk
1 wheat bagel w. light honey, 1 reduced fat cheese stick, 1 orange
2 fish fillets, 2 cups alfredo bowties, 1 cup steamed peas
2 pcs dark chocolate

L-Arm: 13 R-Arm: 13.5
L-Thigh: 28 R-Thigh: 28
L-Calf: 17.5 R-Calf: 17
Bra Line: 32 Hips: 44
Waist Thin: 33 Waist Thick: 39.5

Here I am

Day 17
Quote: There is a time to let things happen, and a time to make things happen.

Boy do I love this quote book. I find a perfect quote to relate to every mood that I’m in. But I feel like I haven’t shredded in forever! Maybe because I took a day off, and didn’t stick with it everyday. I really put my all into it, but I did stop quite a lot. But holy crap! She kicks butt! My right knee is aching a little bit, but I think it will wear off during the day. I’m taking my measurements today as well, can’t wait to see if I’ve lost anything yet. I’ve noticed I can hold the plank now! I didn’t have to stop because my arms were tired, and I was able to do push-ups with the walking pushups or whatever she calls them. I didn’t go the whole way down, but over halfway! I’m so happy to feel myself getting stronger. Still, the v raise or whatever she called them, when you do the chair squat kill me. I don’t know why the front raises are the hardest for me. I hope to improve this. I’m almost scared to start level 3! I hope I can do it. I can’t wait to start all over. I want to see great results. I bought a red highlight kit, and a blonde highlight kit, and I told myself if I can lose 10 lbs I will do the highlights, but I’ve already lost 5, so I’m aiming for 15 lbs then I’ll do it. Although I heard the the red bleaches your hair, which I guess doesn’t matter if I’m doing blonde highlights lol.

Weight: 185.8

3 scrambled eggs, 2 toast w/ light peanut butter
Smoothie-1 banana, 1/4 cup strawberries, 3 scoops frozen yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder
Turkey Sandwich on 12 grain w/ ketchup & cheese, 16 crackers w/hummus

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My knees are back!

Day 16
Quote: The only limits to the mind are those we believe in.

I didn’t get to work out today, because a lot of stuff was going on today. My fiance and I weren’t getting along very well, and the day was just filled with a lot of stress. I know you guys are tired of hearing those words. Haha. But I promise you the next time around, I am giving it my all. If I take a day off, it will be because I am ill. I promise you! I’m tired of making excuses, I want results! And they’re not going to come without some effort. I found some woman on www.slimdownwithsara.com, and she was a huge inspiration to me. She had a baby, and she had stretch marks just like I do, and at the beginning she had her baby weight, and at the end she looked FIT! I want to look just like her, and without me doing the work, it’s never going to happen.

Weight: 185.8

Cheerios, Banana, 1% Milk
Bagel w/light honey, cheese stick, 2 tbsp yogurt
Turkey & Cheese on wheat & goulash
Special K Bar, 2 pieces chocolate, protein smoothie

Monday, March 21, 2011

Still losing!

Day 15
Quote: Your altitude is measured by your attitude.

I woke up this morning, weighed myself, and I’ve lost yet ANOTHER pound. I’m psyched. I can’t believe this. How does this even make sense? I stop working out and I lose weight? Where does this come from? Yet, I’m feeling a little discouraged because I just feel how hard it is to workout like this everyday, and I see the minimal weight loss, and I’m still not fitting into any clothes, and I see the amount of fat and skin around my stomach and think “I’m never going to lose this!” It is so discouraging. This morning when I woke up, my knees were feeling 100%. By the end of the workout they were feeling 10% But as the day wore on, they started feeling better. Let’s hope that tomorrow they feel better. I binged with my night time snack. I just couldn’t help myself. I ate like 20 crackers, 1 bagel with nutella and 2 mini philly cheese steaks. :/ But I guess I’m only human, and compared to most people I’m doing fantastic, because 15 days of eating healthy, and no binging, I think I deserve it!

Weight: 185.8

L-Arm: 13 R-Arm: 13.5
L-Thigh: 28.5 R-Thigh: 28
L-Calf: 17.5 R-Calf: 17.5
Bra Line: 32 Hips: 44.5
Waist thin: 33 Waist thick: 41

Snack 1
3 Celery hearts w/hummus
1 serving shrimp alfredo, 1/2 cup 1% milk
Snack 2
Protein Shake
Lean Cuisine, 1 piece plain wheat bread
20 crackers w/hummus, 1 bagel w/nutella, 2 dove dark chocolate, 2 mini steaks

Weight loss! Finally!

Day 14
Quote: Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow.

And the funny part is, I quit working out for two days straight, and finally see my weight go down. I did 40 crunches, 23 pushups and 40 um...buttlifts....lol. Idk how else to describe it. You lay on your back on the floor, bend your knees and push one foot up to the ceiling, with the other leg you lift yourself up, therefore lifting your butt! haha. Today we went to Olive Garden with my sister. And I feel like I have a clogged milk duct. :/ But, that’s off track, although I’ve been trying to heal it by nursing my son a whole lot. Anyway, I don’t have much to say.

Weight: 186.0

Bagel w/light honey, 2 tbsp yogurt
Special K bar, 3 quakes
1 Bread Stick, 1 Serving shrimp alfredo & salad

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Day 13
Quote: Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.

Although this is a 90 day challenge, I’m not going to get down on myself for having to skip a few days because of my knees. Now, I don’t encourage you to do the same if you have no reason to, but I have a logical reason to do so. If you have no injuries, you are capable of working HARD EVERYDAY to lose your weight. Don’t take my lack of daily commitment as an excuse for YOU to not achieve your goals. You can do it! If I didn’t have my knee injury, i sure as hell would be busting my ass everyday, probably multiples times a day. But I don’t have that option right now. Although, I believe my knees are getting better. I still need to baby them, but when the pain began, it was only in my left knee and now it’s both knees. The thing is, my left knee isn’t the big issue, my right knee is. So once my right knee pain starts waning I think I will have healed then. *fingers crossed* I may still do some stuff today, such as push-ups and the plank position, because that is KILLER! I can’t hold myself up for like longer than 15 seconds. I can’t wait to get stronger, to be a success. I know once I can devote every single day, my strength will increase tenfold. But, anyway. Gonna go wake baby from nap. Also, the lack of excessive calories really seemed to help! I lost a pound! Finally things are turning around for me :)

Weight: 188.2


Cheerios 1 % Milk
1 hard boiled egg, 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt, 1 cheese stick
2 bowls Goulash

Friday, March 18, 2011

Push! Push!

Day 12
Quote: The only victories worth having are those that entailed a hard fight.

I didn’t do the Shred today, instead I just did 20 minutes of straight weight/strength training. Crunches-reverse crunches-chest plies-push ups- squats-lunges-triceps kickbacks, all that. I ate less calories than usual as well. My knees didn’t hurt as bad afterward, but they still ached. I’ve been taking tylenol twice a day. Once during the day and once before bed. At night while lying in bed, my knees ache so bad that I can’t sleep so I have to take the tylenol. I usually have a very high pain tolerance, especially since when I got my c-section the nurses kept coming in to TELL me that I HAD to take my pain medication. The only reason I’m nursing my knees is because I want to lose this weight! I think tomorrow I’ll talk a break, since I did do 3 days in a row. Only for my knees though. I wish I could push through this. My sister is staying the night tonight as well, so that could sidetrack me.

Weight: 189.4

Cheerios w/banana 1% milk
1 hard boiled egg, 1 cheese stick
protein shake
3 quakes
2 chicken tacos
1 orange

Ripped in 30

Day 11
Quote: It’s not what you are that matters, but what you can become.

Today I got the new Ripped in 30 DVD, and upon watching it I decided to give it a try. So instead of doing the Shred, I did Ripped. Why? Because it looked was less intense with the cardio, (meaning less intense on my knees.) I LOVED it. It was indeed less intense on my knees, and it seemed a lot less challenging that the Shred, but I felt like I got more of a workout than with the Shred. Call me Crazy, but that’s how I felt. Although by the end, I was still walking like a cripple. I’ve come to the conclusion that my knees are inflamed. They feel inflamed, and I decided to try a tylenol, I took one and the pain was gone. So. Yeah. Inflammation of the knees...sucks. Big Time. I hope that tomorrow I can do the same, until my knee heals. I don’t know. Meh. Although, even after taking breaks every other day, when measuring myself I lost half an inch in a lot of areas of the body, and lost 2 inches off the waist. How? No idea, but it made me smile :)

Weight: 190.8

L-Arm: 13.5 R-Arm: 14
L-Thigh: 28.5 R-Thigh: 28
L-Calf: 17.5 R-Calf: 17
Bra-Life: 33 Hips: 45
Waist thin: 33.5 Waist thick: 41

1.5 cup shredded wheat, 1 cup 1% milk
wheat bagel w/ light peanut butter and honey
Protein shake
1 cup penne alfredo, 1 cup veggies
1 small orange

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Giveaway: Beaba Babycook Baby Food Maker


Stop. Can you smell that, mamas? It’s the scent of our most fabulous giveaway yet – a Beaba Babycook Baby Food Maker plus two Beaba Multiportion Freezer Trays. The good people at Scandinavian Child™, the American distributors of French-owned Beaba, generously donated these items. Total value? $200 smackers. Yummy!

Level 2

Day 10
Quote: The body achieves what the mind believes.

Day 10. I know I was supposed to start level 2 tomorrow, but when I woke up my knees were feeling pretty good, and I didn’t feel that level 1 was intense enough for me. Also, because of the break yesterday I felt the need to compensate. It was pretty hard, and my knee pain ended up being the killer for me. I don’t think it would have been so hard if not for the knee pain. The planks were the hardest thing for me other than that because I have like no upper body strength, and I don’t believe that I was in proper form. After working out, I drank my protein smoothie, and I did a bunch of stretches on my knees. They were feeling fantastic, then I took a nap and the pain was almost non-existent. Now my shins are hurting from yesterdays walk. My shins aren’t used to being used I suppose. I miss being in shape so bad :( Now Gaven is lying down to fall asleep, and he’s just crying because he’s so tired and he can’t find his thumb. Hopefully tomorrow heeds better results for me. I really want to lose weight, and I’m really upset that I’m having problems with pain. I wish I could give it my all, but I find that I have to modify a lot of what I’m doing because of the pain. I looked it up and it’s apparently a huge complaint for people doing the Shred to have intense knee pain. It’s from my leg muscles that support my knees not being strong enough, so my knees take all the shock and pressure. Anyway. Better luck tomorrow!

Weight: 190.8

1.2 c. shredded wheat 1 c 2% milk
Bagel w/light p. butter, 1 cheese stick
1 c pasta w/ light mayo & parm cheese
fruit & grain bar, 1 sm orange

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Breaks, breaks.

Day 9
Quote: The worst thing you can do is nothing.

Today, I took yet another break from the 30-Day shred because my knee pain was pretty intense. I iced it, stretched it and massaged it. I did take a 40 minute walk though. I ate healthy. Not much else to say though. I’m still upset that I have not lost any weight yet. It is very upsetting. I mean, I understand that I’m not doing it everyday, but I would expect at least a POUND. Instead I gain pounds. :/ I’m convinced that it’s because I’m nursing and my body is hoarding the calories, and fat. But maybe it’s just muscle. I don’t know. But I better at least lose 5 lbs by the end of 30 days. I will be super upset. Anyway....yada. Taking care of Gaven!

Weight: 191

Special K Cereal, 2% Milk
2 Veggie burgers on wheat, 1 serving broccoli & carrots, 1 serving mac n cheese
Protein Shake
Turkey Sandwich on wheat

Monday, March 14, 2011

If at first you don’t succeed

Day 8
Quote: Vision without action is just a daydream.

I jumped back on the horse today and did my workout despite the excruciating pain. I tried to modify some things, but others I gave my all. I took less breaks than I did on Saturday, surprise surprise. I thought it would jeopardise my progress but it actually made it better. I only took 3 breaks. My knee is still killing me. I can barely walk up the steps. I put ice on it, and have been wearing the brace. I’ve also been massaging it. I bought a pair of shoes for working out , and they definitely helped a lot because they provided proper support to my knees, feet and ankles. I sure hope tomorrow I can bite the bullet and do my workout.

Weight: 191
Chicken poppers, Broccoli, Mac n Cheese
Lean Cuisine
Blueberry fruit & Grain Bar, 1 sm orange, 2 tbsp vanilla yogurt


L-Arm: 14 R-Arm: 14
L-Thigh: 28 R-Thigh: 27.5
L-Calf: 17.5 R-Calf: 17.5
Bra Line: 34 Hips:46
Waist Thin: 34 Waist Thick: 43

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Day 7
Quote: Hope is a waking dream.

I didn’t work out today because my knee is killing me, and now my other knee has started hurting slightly. I’ve been applying ice to it, and I bought a knee brace and protein powder. I’ve been wearing the knee brace as much as possible. I ate pretty bad today, I had pancakes for breakfast and I had a protein smoothie for lunch, and for dinner we went to my dad’s girlfriend’s house who is filipino so she always makes lots of good food. So I had my cheating day, which isn’t so bad. But yeah....


3 blueberry pancakes w/ light syrup & 1 cup 2% milk
Cheese Stick
Whey Protein Shake
2 Stuffed mushrooms, 1 serving sauce with noodles, 2 piece of sausage, 2 deviled eggs
1 cup jello dessert

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Day 6
Quote: Looking on the bright side never causes eyestrain.

I sucked it up and worked out today. My knee wasn’t hurting too bad when I woke up, but after the workout the pain returned. Other than the pain, the workout was a blur. It’s getting easier and easier. Surprisingly, because I thought I’d be worse off than before, but I actually did better. So that’s good news to me. Well, I don’t have much to say so I’m gonna head off here.

Weight: 189

Special K cereal, 1 cup 2% milk
Turkey & Cheese on 12 grain w/ light miracle whip
1 can tuna, Special K Bar

Friday, March 11, 2011

Knee Pain

Day 5
Quote: The door of opportunity is wide open...if you are prepared for it.

So, today I think I’m taking a break from the Shred. My left knee has really been bothering me, and it’s gotten worse over the course of today. Also, I’m super sleep deprived because my son quit sleeping at night, and a bunch of things have gotten in my way of napping today while he does. Such as, I have to bring my brother to work in 30 minutes, and it takes 40 mins to get there and 40 back so theres a bunch of time. And Gaven will sleep in the car so when we get back I doubt if I will get to nap. So I’d rather be healthy than kill myself to get skinny. So tomorrow I will be at it again! Let’s hope it’s not super hard to continue, although I don’t think it will be. Just be set back a day, but I’ll catch up in no time.

Weight: 189.2

1.5 c Special K, 1.5 cup 2% Milk, 1 Banana
1 Wheat Bagel w/ light Nutella
Oats & Chocolate Fiber Bar
Turkey Sandwich on 12 grain w/lettuce & light miracle whip

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Holy Hell

Day 4
Quote: Procrastination is the grave in which opportunities are buried.

Wow. For some reason today’s workout felt more intense than any other workout I’ve done in the past 4 days. I’m not sure if it’s because I put more effort into it, and that I took less breaks, but damn. My whole body feels like jell-o. Today I almost didn’t work out because I was just not feeling it. I’m glad I did, although I feel like I’m going to pass out lol. Last night was bad with the baby because he didn’t want to go to sleep because he couldn’t find his thumb. He normally lays on his left side to sleep, but I felt that his head was getting a little flat on that side, so I switched him to his right side, and he didn’t like it at all. So I got little sleep from that, but luckily so did he so when he woke up this morning, two hours later he took a 2 hour nap. I joined him on that one. So I woke up refreshed, did some work on the website, and sat with him for a bit. Then I fed him and he’s napping now, which is how I squeezed in my workout. I took my measurements today and I seem to have lost inches already. Like, a lot of inches. The bust measurement, I’m unsure if it’s accurate because I don’t remember what bra I was wearing when I took that. But I’m sure hoping these measurements are accurate because that’s really encouraging. I ordered an official cloth ruler offline and it should be here soon, right now I’m using a paper one. I can feel the difference in my legs already. There is less fat at the top part where they meet my butt. But in the pictures there isn’t really a difference. I think the reason I’m not losing weight is because I haven’t cut back my calories enough because I was afraid that I wouldn’t get enough to nurse. But I researched what my caloric intake should be and it said I’d be safe to go as low as 1500-1800 calories a day. I’m sure that would be good for me to lose weight since I already have too much fat storage on me. But I think I’m going to stick around 2000, although I’m not keeping track I’m going to estimate. So we’ll see in the next few days if my weight goes down at all. I need a shower cause I’m pretty smelly after that one so I’ll catch you later!

Weight: 190.4

1.5 cup Special K cereal, 1.5 cup 2% Milk, 1 banana
Smoothies-1 c Berry Medley, 2 scoops van. frozen yog, 1 banana, 1 c Choco Soymilk
1 Wheat bagel w/light p.butter, 1/4 cup Apple sauce
1 can light tuna
Veg. Burger on slice 12 grain w/light miracle whip, slice cheese & lettuce
Special K Bar

L-Arm: 14.5 R-Arm:14.5
L-Thigh: 29 R-Thigh:29
L-Calf:18 R-Calf:17.5
Bra Line: 34 Hips: 46
Waist-thin: 34 Waist-thick: 42

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bicycle crunches

Day 3
Quote: The harder the conflict. the more glorious the triumph.

I made it the entire way through them without stopping for a second. Usually when she starts saying don’t quit on me, I’m taking a rest. I made it the whole way through! I stopped through the entire workout half as much as I did yesterday. I looked at my pictures and my weight on the scale this morning and that was all I could think about while working out. I Must Get My Body Back was repeating through my head. I used to weigh 140. I now weigh 190. Well as of this morning I have gained 2 lbs since starting this program. That was really getting me down and I almost didn’t workout but I sat there and thought, that”s how fat people STAY fat! They use excuses. I can’t do it! I hate how I look. And I may be embarrassed about showing my pictures to a bunch of judgemental strangers, but then again I SHOULD be embarrassed! Nobody at the age of 20 at 5 ft 3 inches should EVER weight 190 lbs. So GOOD if I’m embarrassed! Right? My left knee is bothering me a little bit, im unsure why because I don’t do anything in improper form. Just maybe from carrying all this extra weight and it coming down repeatedly on my knee in intense cardio and everything and it not used to being used. I’m sure it will pass. I’m so proud of myself for getting this far because IT IS HARD! I can’t wait until I get to day 7. I’m sure I will see a huge difference. I sure hope so. I also did the butt kicks higher, almost kicking my butt and jumped higher with the jumping rope. Also, my calves are almost rock solid already. I need to burn this fat! Woo!

Weight: 190.4

1 cup Special K cereal, 1 cup 2% milk, 1 banana
Oats n Chocolate Fiber Bar
Turkey on 12 grain bread w/lettuce & light miracle whip
2 chicken breasts, 2 garlic bread, 1 serving m. potatoes, 2 serving asparagus stir fry
1 apple w/p. butter

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Gritting my teeth...hard.

Day 2
Quote: Those who follow the crowd are quickly lost in it.

Since yesterday was Day 1, obviously that makes today Day 2 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred. I’ve noticed a slight difference already in my endurance during the cardio and jumping jacks and jump roping. My calves weren’t burning as much while doing these and I was able to go the whole time without stopping once during these. Also, while doing the side lunges and the front arm raises I went longer without stopping. I was a lot better while doing the bicycle crunches as well. I can’t wait to see how well I do in 5 days if just one days makes a huge difference. It can be quite discouraging to not see results immediately, and that I have low endurance and stamina. I wasn’t sure this morning when I woke up. I was stunned. I thought for sure my calves would be screaming today.

Weight: 189.4

3 Scrambled eggs, 1 bagel w/light p.butter, 5 veggie sausage links, 1 cup 1% milk
Smoothies-1/2 c. berry medley, 1 banana, 1 cup choc. soy milk, 2 scoop van. yogurt
1 can chick noodle soup, turkey sand on 12 grain bread w/cheese, mustard, l. miracle whip, 3 crackers
20 crackers w/p.butter & nutella

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jillian Michaels Kicks Ass

Tip of the Week: Be sure to wear a nice, sturdy pair of shoes before beginning any exercise program to ensure you won't have any injuries.

Make sure to check out my Website: twelveweeks.iblogger.org

Quote: The faster you run, the luckier you get.

Quite literally.

Today is Day 1 of Jillian Michaels 30-Day Shred, and let me just tell you this. It’s a lot harder than it looks. Now, I watched this video after purchasing it and receiving it in the mail just to see what I was getting myself into, and it looked very simple. I mean, it wasn’t extremely hard either, but that would probably be because I have been working out. The hardest part was doing arm exercises and the very last ab exercise. I was out of breath still 5 minutes AFTER I ended the exercise. Overall, I felt like I got a great workout in a short amount of time. I am super psyched to see results after a few weeks of this. The only problem that I saw with the video was at the end there weren’t enough stretches, like she didn’t include any calf stretches which I had to do on my own because my calves were BURNING after the jumping jacks and jump-roping. But other than that it was a great workout. She really keeps me going when I just want to quit! She always says to hang on right as I want to just quit.

Weight: 188.2

1 cup plain special k cereal/1 cup 1% milk 1/4 cup blueberries
Smoothie-1tbsp p.butter, 3 scoops vanilla froz. yog, 1 cup berry medley, 1 banana & 1 1/2 cup choco soymilk
1 wheat bagel w/light nutella, 1/4 c yogurt
2 veggie burgers w/lettuce, cheese, l.mayo on 12 grain bread, 2 cups veggies, handful fries

L-Arm: 15 R-Arm: 15
L-Thigh: 29.5 R-Thigh:29
L-Calf: 19 R-Calf: 18
Bra Line: 35 Hips: 49
Waist thin: 34 Waist thick: 42